Thoughts on Jim, or "Making College Football Great Again"

State of the Harbaugh

State of the Harbaugh

I don't pretend to know what the future holds for college football, but I know I'll always love it, no matter what they do. More games. More playoff teams. Play at night. Play on Thursday. Signing of the stars. Spring practice wherever the hell you want. Camps wherever the hell you want.

Ride her 'til she bucks ya'.

If people don't like it, they'll eventually stop coming, and then they can reevaluate. This is the way it has to be. And as Michigan fans, fans that hangs their hat on the most wins, on the biggest stadium, and the largest scoreboards, we've been on the side of bigger is better the whole time, even if it was unconsciously. There is no man better fit to lead this team, hell, this athletic department, into this approaching era of expansion than Jim Harbaugh. And I don't need to sell the Maize and Blue clad among you on this. Jim Harbaugh has a 100% approval rating within the confines of Michigan fandom. Finebaum called him Trump, and that's very true in one aspect: Jim Harbaugh could shoot a man (preferably a Buckeye) and we'd find a way to bail him out (Dantonio style) and let him coach.

Those outside of Ann Arbor are looking for any way they can to disparage him. And that's understandable. I wouldn't want a guy like that leading my enemy. He's Calipari without the sleaze. He's Urban, but with a personality and less nervous breakdowns. The man is ahead of his time, but seems to know exactly when to deploy a bit of old-fashioned. Maize is maize again. Away unis are from the team he grew up watching.

He's not breaking the rules. He's not even "dancing on the line" as some may suggest. He's innovating and outworking the rest of them. He's redifining the recruiting process.

They said the NFL guy wouldn't like recruiting. Maybe they were right, and that's why he changed it into something fun. Fun for him, fun for the kids he's going after, and glorious for exposure.

We dropped a 130K on private recruiting flights in a scramble to get a class together after Jim hired in, and it's an ESPN breaking news headline. We're taking the team to Florida for spring practice and the ACC freaks about player free time, but nobody bats an eye when hoops teams hit Europe for a preseason tour and daily games against professionals. Prime examples of the way things are going to be played out in the media, especially with the perfect combination of a polarizing figure with an active (and beautifully passive aggressive) Twitter account and a long offseason with no games to discuss.


We're making College Football great again and you're welcome America. So proud to be along for the ride, and I'm looking forward to the Larry the Cable Guy set and a solid intermission with Kenny-G's sax bouncing off the perfect walls of Hill Auditorium at the 2017 Signing of the Stars.

Go Blue!