Twitter Tuesday Goes Back to the Beginning

Yesterday was twitter's 10-year anniversary. Crazy how time flies.

I didn't get active on it until 2009, and my first tweet was about the bubble we resided on.

We would get that one more in the BTT, as the team that "burned the boats" made the tourney, bowing out to Oklahoma in the 2nd round.

Staying with hoops, as you may remember, the amazing Spartans and their leader Mr. March fell to Middle Tennessee State in the opening round of the NCAA tournament.  The world (but mostly East Lansing) tried to tell us that it wasn't MSU that was bad, but that MTSU was just that great (despite getting swept by UAB in the regular season).

@LGhail did the perfect search while MTSU got smoked by 25 points against one of the last teams in:

And then @sbell021 put the sugar on top...


And then some good news for the good guys.  This makes 6 for 2017: