Seth Forever

Back in the mid-90s, Seth’s dad, Dan, was my Michigan Stadium dad, raising me in Section 30 during my college years. Dan was complicit in our weekly seat fraud scam that let us sit in Section 30 as a group of friends, helping to bring together what became known as The Posse, transforming game days into unforgettable experiences…if unforgettable experiences include a group of aging idiots clinging to their youth by standing for the whole game and talking shit with (and to) the latest Michigan Freshman class. Seth was just a toddler back then, but he grew up quickly, eventually working the section alongside his parents and siblings. He stood on the sidelines of history during a mostly disappointing run of Michigan football. I often wonder how the younger Michigan fans kept their faith for so long. Imagine pining for a repeat of 1997 while barely knowing it happened. When your formative Michigan Football years start with App State and then move into the tumultuous eras of Rich Rod and Hoke, you must have a stronger constitution than I. Yet, a fan Seth was, unwavering and steadfast. Eventually, weekly chats with Dan and his family inside the stadium evolved into, “Hey, you should come to the tailgate.” And so, the McWatters family became an integral part of THE TAILGATE FAMILY.

If you knew my buddy Seth—beyond just passing by him at the tailgate or helping him pack up the tailgate—then you probably made all the effort. My man was quiet. Needed a Boone’s Farm or two to get warmed up to the crowd for sure. But it was worth it when it happened. One of the most genuinely nice people you could ever hope to spend time with. Seth's wry smile was a constant companion. You could never tell if its origins were genuine happiness or if he had an impish idea brewing, like suggesting we drink a cooler full of Boone’s Farm or indulge in another round of bourbon shots. He partnered up with his cousin Adam and became one of the main support pillars of the tailgate in the past several years, earning the coveted Birdhouse in 2022. He was often first on site in the early morning (when Adam didn’t make him late) and frequently drew the short straw for climbing the ladder to position our satellite on the roof. He was usually first to start the pack-up process post-game and often was the last to leave. Despite working as hard as I did putting the party together, he’d always send me a Venmo to help pay for the food, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

In the last few years, Seth and I grew closer as his attendance at away games increased. The Godfather will tell you those away games are special, and just last year we made the long road trek to Minnesota together. We talked the whole ride. Sure, it was mostly me and my non-stop bullshit machine, but I learned a lot about him on that trip. Seth’s generosity, loyalty, and unwavering support became even more evident. He and his family were among the first to reach out to me when my father passed a few months ago. That same smile somehow became one of comfort when he came to the visitation. The card I received from them is now pinned to my bulletin board, a constant reminder of their kindness.

Seth was not only a pivotal part of our tailgate family but also a symbol of resilience and dedication. He embodied the spirit of Michigan football fans who, despite the ups and downs, remained loyal and passionate. His presence at our gatherings was more than just physical; it was the essence of camaraderie, the silent nod of understanding, and the shared joy in both victory and defeat. Seth's unexpected passing is a profound loss, a reminder of how fleeting and precious life is. Too soon. Too young. Too genuinely nice. Too newly wed.

Seth’s quiet strength, unwavering dedication, and genuine kindness left an indelible mark on all who knew him. The tailgate won’t be the same without him. Seth’s lovely widow has asked that we make sure he is remembered at every tailgate and every game. His family and friends have donated to UMTailgate in his honor, which is so amazing and humbling to me. The idea that this fall weekend tradition we cherish is so important to people fills my heart. How that wish will be carried out is still in its planning stages, but rest assured we will raise our glasses, share our stories, and carry his spirit with us in every game, every cheer, and every heartfelt moment. Seth, you were one of the best, and you will not be forgotten.