Weekend Roundup: Pissed Edition

​A 24-hour roller coaster, that's what I've been on.  You probably had a nice Sunday.  Probably watched the Tigers beat the Rays and enjoyed the cool fall-preview weather.  Me?  I surfed the internet, because, well, that's what I do best.  Scouring the ends of cyberspace, I took in the good and the bad.  I went from worried to indifferent to vindicated to pissed off.  What was said and what wasn't is compounded by interpretation of voluntary or involuntary, and in the end, it all looks like complete bullshit.  Bullshit that conveniently came out 6 days before kickoff.  I'm not naive about the feelings of the college football nation with regards to our program.  I just never felt the hate like I did today  They smell blood folks.  They hated where we were under Bo, Mo, and Lloyd, and they hate where we might be going with Rich Rodriguez.  Michigan bought a coach.  We purchased our very own Urban Meyer for $4 million.  We knew what it was going to cost.  We knew what we were doing.  And that is what has everybody so scared.  We're attempting to make the next step...to continue our dominance.  That is why everybody wants us to fail.

The internets, the internets, the damn internets...