Stay Regular, My Friends: Michigan 45, Nebraska 7 - The Photos

Like a tall glass of ex-lax

They may be the nicest fanbase in the B1G, but it’s only because they are all so happy because they are so damn regular. It’s a known fact that one runza per day it equivalent to 26 servings of bran flakes, and all evidence seems to point to these people sustaining on runzas. Don’t know what a runza is? Well you are not alone, as outside of Nebraska, which includes the auto-correct while I type that insists that I’m trying to type (coincidentally) “runs”, this pastry (?) is a mystery…not unlike the meat contained within it. I think it was most aptly described by the gentleman sitting behind me that called it a “closed White Castle”. But for some reason, I crave them every couple of years, and this stellar Big Ten West crossover matchup obliged once again, dragging me across the country to spend time with the most cutoff large city in the US, eat their made up fast food and pretend they are relevant. And you have to pretend. Tell them they would have won in 97, that you really are heartbroken over their unending pile of close losses, and that you were a huge Scott Frost guy and can’t believe it didn’t work out….because they really are that nice, and they don’t have anything else except a world attendance record for women’s volleyball. Anyway, Michigan played a perfect first half, and ran away 45-7, keeping the Bussin’ Bowl trophy in Ann Arbor and moving to 5-0 on the season. Hit up the game page for more stuff including Nebraska tailgates that go back to the 2005 Alamo Bowl.