So I Had This Idea...

​...that I was going to be the cool guy again and show you a picture of the new field turf, but MVictors spy is better than my spy.  That being said, here's a nice one from before the letters were added:

Also, in case you were wondering where the website went all weekend...we were once again hacked.  Some enterprising bastards tried to use dark corners of my server space to spoof, trying to trick folks into giving out personal information.  According to the powers that be, no one took the bait, so that's good.  The bad?  A good portion of trickeration in the form of spoof code was hidden in the photo module.  So, ya, the photos are gone for a little while.  I think I'm gonna go with a more reputable host this time, in the hopes of not having to reload all the photos for a 4th time...that host will be the fine folks at google.  So look for that sometime before kickoff.

Welcome to the 90's,

Oh, now this is exciting. Nothing new if you've seen pretty much every other blog in the blogosphere, but has upgraded to the 1990's version, allowing for YouTube embedding. The upgrade had an expected side effect however, which was the corrupting of the message board. No problem, as I had plans to eliminate that anyway. The comment section of each post should be used in its place for you regular posters. I am looking to port over your old avatars...for those that had them. Much much much more to come a.k.a. "we can rebuild it, we have the technology." Going Under the Knife

​Right now, somewhere out in cyberspace, is getting updated.

I'm going to try to underpromise and overdeliver. I am hoping that I will be able to keep things intact as I upgrade to a newer version of the content management software (wordpress). My good god...I do not want to have to redo the pictures....again. But it needs to be updated, and we could use a fresh cover page theme, so we'll see how it goes.

I am also considering dropping the message board in favor of commenting being done on the post pages. Again, we'll see.

Gunning for a Memorial Day weekend to make the finishing touches, so barring any massive breakdown the once again all new should be live on Tuesday, May 27th. But I do plan on posting in the don't abandon us just yet.