"The Cove" Secured for Saturdays This Fall

I might be jumping the gun here, both because it's only June AND because I haven't received final confirmation from our newest landlord, but I'm fairly certain that it is safe to say that the tailgate has secured new digs for the 2010 football season.  I have affectionately branded it as "The Cove" for it's relative privacy.  It's tough for me not to hype it up, as it is a ridiculous amount of space...like, the kind of space where you will visit different places within the space throughout a tailgate.  For those that endured the tight fit of the 2009 campaign, I think you will definitely enjoy our new wide open spaces.  There's also a ton of parking for guests relatively close by.

Again, this is not a public venue, so just as we did last year, if you think you should be "in the know" then shoot be an email to me at frank at umtailgate dot com and I will provide you with the location.

The party begins in 10 weeks...gotta get back to planning!

Really Pete Carroll? Really?

​Just taking it all in here.  Izzo on the brink, conference realignment, and USC-ya.  Honestly, does anybody like Lane Kiffin?  Are the USC faithful sitting over there in L.A. saying to themselves "this is our guy"?  The sick feeling I get when I see Kiffin speak...is this how all the haters feel about Rich Rod here in Michigan?

But if you want to formulate a definition of slime ball liars, allow me to suggest as your poster boy one Pete Carroll, who dropped this gem on us LIVE on PETECAROLLTV.

"I'm absolutely shocked and disappointed at the findings of the NCAA"

I also can't believe that Herbstreit is giving these ass-clowns a pass on Sportscenter.  Whatever.  Shut 'em down.  2 years no bowls...and we're taking your girl's tennis wins away too.

Let's Settle That '97 Thing...Over and Over and Over

News comes at you pretty fast these days.  Remember when you returned home from a day at the office, flipped on the 6pm Sportscenter, and got an update on the days events in the world of sports?  Not so much anymore.  The deuche with the Michigan State pennant push-pinned to his cubicle wall likes to artfully time his stride to catch you on the way to the shitter, just to let you know that he heard Tom Izzo talked to Judd Heathcote and he told Judd he's not making any decisions until he finds out if LeBron is going to stay in Cleveland.  Guess what fuckstick?  I've got a smartphone too.  Oh, and all the computers here have internet access.  Also, I don't give a shit.  I mean, of course I'd like to see Tom Izzo to go to Cleveland, both because I think he would poop the bed in the NBA, and because I love to see coaches leave Michigan State.  Michigan State is not a destination...it's a layover.  Nobody is looking to reach the pinnacle of their career at Michigan State.  Plus, I would just LOVE to see the reaction over there in Little Brother Land.

Anyway, I was talking about news, and how fast it is...like Demar Dorsey fast.  I wish we could see how fast that is in Maize and Blue.  Alas, all of our arguments on whether we should have offered Demar a scholarship were just a giant waste of time.  I can't help but be a little bit concerned about how this all transpired, it makes us look a bit Notre Dame-ish.  But hey, if we've got some kind of standards, and those standards are used across the board, then I guess this is the right thing to do.  Right for who?  I'm not sure.  It's a losing situation for a kid trying to turn his life around, it's a losing situation for the football team's secondary, it's a losing situation for football recruiting since we come off as elitist...but it's a win for, um, academic integrity.  So there's that.  I just wish this didn't come off as another instance of poor communication with Rich Rod.  He's gotta feel like he's got a bit of egg on his face yet again.

And ya, it's been a while since I've written a post.  It's been a long strange journey of logo infractions and front page viruses and what-not here at UMTailgate.com.  There's also been some massive outbreaks of blog laziness with a side of indifference.  Because as each day passes, it seems as if there is something new and disappointing.  Something anti-Rod, or at least something quirky and Rod-related.  A bad story here,a stupid poll there.  These things have to be building up over at casa de Rodriguez.  Long story short, though I so desperately want him to be, I don't think Rich Rodriguez is going to be the coach here by the time we get around to playing Nebraska in-conference.  Which means before long, we will go back to being slow, methodical, and predictable.  I hope I'm wrong.

Speaking of Nebraska, I google-mapped the route from Ann Arbor to Lincoln, and it's like 750 miles.  That's the Metrodome plus 100 miles.  So if the rumors are indeed true, it looks like we've definitely got a destination we're going to need to fly to.  Though I'm not 100% confident in the validity of the news that the Cornhuskers are joining us, I am 100% fired up at the prospect of something different.  And if it turns out to be true, I hope that isn't the end of it.  12 is cool, but 16 is better, so let's get Mizzou and ND in here, and let's not give up on that Texas-Texas Tech combo.  Blow the whole thing up.

Some Housecleaning...Tourney Challenge Winners and Spring Game Tailgate and Reunion Stuff

​Two things to announce...

First, congrats to the winners of the 2010 UMTailgate.com tournament challenge.

1st Place: Walter Noot (dude had Butler - Duke in the final with Duke winning.  Hope he put this bracket in some other places with bigger payouts!)

2nd Place: Ty Blanchett

3rd Place: Charles Zielinski

Second, the SPRING REUNION IS ON AND SET FOR POST SPRING GAME.  We will also be attempting a Spring Game tailgate.

So mark this down:  April 17th...Spring game tailgate around 9am...  Spring game at noon....  Spring Reunion and Theme Selection Meeting following at Conor Oneill's around 3pm.

Spartans and Prison, A Match Made in East Lansing

It was a busy day for Teflon Dantonio's boys.  Glenn Winston, formerly reinstated by the never criticized coach, was sentenced to his 2nd stint in the clink in less than a year.  He'll be doing six months for his role in the ski-masked raid of a campus residence building.  Allow me to bring in an impartial judge, Mr. Rittenburg of ESPN....

I keep thinking back to Dantonio's surprising decision to reinstate Winston in August. I'm not against second chances, and Winston, who comes from a very rough background, absolutely deserved one. But Michigan State took an enormous risk in bringing him back to campus, especially since his actions directly impacted another student-athlete (Sturges). As we now know, the decision totally backfired on Dantonio.

Yes, but learning from your mistakes is the most important thing.  I would imagine that next time, Dantonio will be more strict about who he lets back on campus.  Or not.  Today, 

Dantonio reinstated four players convicted in last year's residence hall assault.  So there's that.

Oh, and the best part....the headline in the Freep:  "Glenn Winston Apologizes for Role in Dorm Altercation."  Fuck you Mark Snyder.

But we're not done....

Mateen Cleaves, the pride of Spartyville, the better half and namesake of the Izzo lovechild, and the 2nd biggest NBA disappointment in history behind Shawn Respert,got arrested for DUI.  That my friends, is spectacular.

Sparty on fellas.