Holiday Roundup, Happy Birthday America Edition: July 7, 2008
/Not sure about you, but my weekend was great. Fireworks, food, the Fourth of July, and unplugged from the internet for three full days. Here's what we missed:
- RichRod pressed palms with the boys from Alro and hit the links with Al Glick. Looks like he's got the donation hunting portion of his job down pat. [Michigan Football Coach Plays in Jackson Event - MLive]
- There are five sleeper teams, and we play three of them. Great... but MSU has about as much of a chance of winning a championship as you do of winning the big prize on a scratch-off lottery ticket in Virginia. [Looking for a Sleeper Team Outside the Top 25 -]
- Illinois has sold 40,000 season tickets, there largest amount since 1986, and about 10,000 fewer than half the number of season tickets that Michigan doles out each season. Ha. [Illinois Season Football Tickets - Illini Loyalty]
- On the heels of Eugene Clifford throwing his fists around at a bar, the BBC reminds us that OSU is very stern when it comes to disciplining its players...oh, and that Maurice Clarett wasn't a Buckeye when he borrowed money from the Jewish mafia and brandished an AKA on a street in COLUMBUS. He was only a Buckeye when he forced and recovered that fumble against Miami in the National Championship Game. We are all certain things were on the up and up with Maurice during that 2002 campaign. Ironically, this all came out just three days after the ultimate glass house threw stones. [Get Outta My Locker Room - BBC]
- Here's why you want to travel when Michigan plays at Wisconsin... [Unique study ranks state No. 1 for alcohol's impact on lives - Wausau Daily Herald]
- Godfather is going to have to find another place to buy his yellow football jerseys. [Steve and Barry's loses University License - Michigan Daily]
- A collective yet quiet cheer just rang out in all the assisted living facilities in Michigan as they feel their geriatric voices will soon be heard when they utter "down in front." [Fans are asked to treat Chiefs games like bowling matches - YahooSports]